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Build Your own Marketing Plan for Healthcare Practices

Aqua Blue Marketing has put together a 3 step roadmap to guide you through developing your Marketing Plan for Healthcare Practices.

We all learn in different ways, so you can follow the steps through 

  1. Video

  2. Step-by-step written instructions

  3. An example of a marketing plan to show you what it could look like 

If you would like any help or support, don't hesitate to contact us with all your questions

Why your Healthcare Practice needs a Marketing Plan

In the past 20 years of experience, building a marketing plan is one of the most important steps to marketing success for your business. Your marketing tactics will be >400% more successful, and you'll stop wasting money on marketing that  doesn't work but will provide you with direction and focus



Understanding your Market

During this phase, you'll gather valuable insight about 

  1. The market you compete in

  2. Market trends impacting your business

  3. Your target patient

  4. The patient experience

  5. Reviewing your competitors

Setting the Strategic Direction 

You're now going to set a clear direction or strategy for your marketing

  1. Understand your practice strengths and weaknesses

  2. Determine opportunities and threats 

  3. Position your practice in the mind of your current and future patients

  4. Identify your marketing goals.

How will you get there?

Now that you have a clear direction and focus for your marketing,  the next step is to determine what actions you need to implement to reach your goals.


You will explore which marketing activities are applicable to your target audience and which messages resonate.

Please download an example of a marketing plan developed for a fictional Healthcare Practice.

Marketing Strategy for Healthcare Practices

Healthcare Practice
Marketing Plan

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